EducateNow is able to provide a non-hardware based PLC, HMI and SCADA training solution with our Virtual Traffic Intersection PLC & HMI Training Case which virtualises and builds upon the three-way Traffic Intersection scenario from the physical ENTC-01-ABML1400 Training Case.
The ENTC-01-SIMIT1512C Virtual Training Case interfaces the virtual intersection developed and run with the Siemens SIMIT simulation platform to the Siemens SIMATIC S7-PLCSIM software which together with the Siemens TIA portal programming software and WinCC Runtime Advanced software allows for the programming, downloading, online monitoring and control of virtual Siemens S7-1500 PLCs and Siemens SIMATIC HMIs.
The SIMIT Virtual Traffic Crossing simulation model provides virtualised traffic lights, street lights, a safety camera, sensors and push buttons as well as cars and pedestrians that by default emulate the following of Australian road rules. Additional user functions to force the cars to run of red lights or to speed through the intersection have also been provided to enable the testing of the programming of the Safety camera controls. The Virtual Traffic Intersection has also been designed to indicate to the students whether potential errors in their PLC logic controlling the traffic and pedestrian lights is causing car crashes in the intersection or with pedestrians.
The virtual case includes the software and licensing required for students to connect to and program each of these devices as well as setup manuals and the following Training modules;
- ENTM-01-SIMIT1512C-BSG PLC Basics Self Guided Course
- ENTM-01-SIMIT1512C-BSG HMI Basics Self Guided Course
Although the training cases are flexible in its programming capabilities, various control scenarios have already been developed and installed into the associated equipment so that by the end of these Basics Courses, students will have had experience with a number of programming techniques including;
- Basics of getting online and using the relevant programming software, monitoring IO signals and downloading programs to the associated equipment.
- PLC Programming of various outputs and sequences triggered by push button or sensor inputs.
- Operating, programming and interfacing HMIs to PLC inputs and outputs to display statuses & control traffic intersection processes.
These virtual cases also have the ability to be networked to other Virtual Traffic Intersection Cases to enable representation of a transport road network.
Clients: Schools, VET & Universities
Category: Education
Standard Equipment:
Siemens S7-1500 series PLC with CPU 1512C-PN, PROFINET Ethernet interface, Analog & Digital IO and Real Time Clock
Siemens SIMATIC TP1200 Comfort HMI Touch Screen
SIMIT Virtual Traffic Crossing simulation model with:
“Vehicle Detection Loop” Sensors
User Interactive Pedestrian Push buttons
User Interactive Light Level Sensor with numeric display
Street Lights & Safety Camera Flash
Auxiliary IO
Standard Control Software:
Siemens TIA Portal
Siemens SIMATIC S7-PLCSIM Advanced
Siemens WinCC Runtime Advanced
Upgrade Options:
WinCC Professional
Cimplicity SCADA
Citect SCADA
Replacing the 1512C CPU with a higher level Safety PLC